crashing suns, edmond hamilton

"You know, Rn Rarak, that the universe is composed of great clusters of suns, separated from each other by billions of light-years of space, and that our own sun is situated at the very edge of our Galaxy. Beyond lie inconceivable depths of space never crossed by the ships of the Federation fleet or by anything else. Three weeks ago, however, our astronomers discovered that a gigantic dark star is approaching from that relam of infinite space, racing toward our Galaxy at an inconceivable velocity."




This is Dad's pulp mystery and science fiction collection from 1951-1971 when he died. You'll see front and back covers from pulp science fiction books like 'Amazing' and 'Astounding' Science Fiction plus covers from pulp mystery writers like Mickey Spillane, Richard Prather, Nick Carter and Edward Aarons' novels. Also, the complete collection of Ian Fleming. Over 400 titles! Enjoy the fantastic cover artwork. Read a sample of their writing about protagonists 'Doc Savage', 'Shell Scott', 'Mike Hammer', and 'James Bond'. Run your cursor through the alphabetic listing to pick from the selection. Check out the links page under 'L'. Rick Davids (Facebook).